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Virginia Law TV® is part of the Law TV® Network, a video driven legal directory that features quality educational videos from some of the state’s premier law firms.

The legal directory includes a comprehensive listing for each law firm, including how to reach the firm directly or on social media.

Virginia Law TV® also includes a legal glossary and both local and national blog feeds for the latest news and updates on the legal industry.

Some of the key topic areas and attorney types are personal injury attorneys, criminal defense attorneys, divorce and family law attorneys, bankruptcy law attorneys, disability law attorneys, business attorneys, real estate attorneys, estate planning attorneys and workers’ compensation attorneys.

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Columbia University to Hire 'Safe Passage Liaison'

“This is the first time a university has negotiated with the students who’ve been pushed off campus by extreme protesters,” Jay Edelson said in an email to Law.com. “And the result we got makes clear what our priorities are: safety for students, and actually encouraging a dialogue rather than aimlessly hurling slogans at one another.” […]

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